воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.
asthma health
I�know what to ramble about...
I have to say,�I�am very disappointed with this person I�was talking to from the chatroom....I�know shit is apos;crazyapos; for her, but this is absurd...In the last 2months or so, I�have had maybe a total of 14hrs of time to talk with her...but what is worse, is that she does not keep in touch at all...she has my email, my MSN, TWO�phone numbers, can easily contact me through the chat site, has a friend who has my phone number and is on my MSN that lives there by her...but I�go weeks with hearing from her...she was gone for two weeks, I�had a day and a little of text messages and now it has been over a week again..
I understand her not being around because of all that is going on, but the fact that she doesnapos;t keep in touch is what has me angry and has disappointed me...
ohh yeah on top of that..her ex went away with her for her birthday...she forgot my birthday which was only a few days after hers...and now because of problems with one of her kids, her ex has moved back in with her *rme*...ohhh yeah..there is so much potential there for me *L*...
The good news is that I deatched emotionally a few weeks back...at this point�I�am just pissed and disappointed with them....smh...I have given up the concept of meeting a person to share my life with online...hopefully I�have learned my lesson this time...
dns troubleshooting xp, asthma health, asthma healing natural, asthma hayfever, asthma happens when worsen.
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